Our LMS hosts a portfolio of custom built and sector specific eLearning courses and qualifications, ranging from modular short courses to qualifications delivered over a longer period, such as internal management programmes and apprenticeships.
Our clients typically use our LMS to:
Provide greater flexibility and reach a wider audience efficiently
Manage training globally through one easy to use platform
Generate management information to inform business decisions
Track learner progress and performance data real time
Monitor understanding and the effectiveness of training
Evaluate the impact of training in the workplace
Our LMS is customisable to integrate with your organisation’s look and feel. Through the management portal your teams can effectively manage and track training globally, increasing the efficiency of your people and processes and providing greater due diligence.
Have a look at this short video to see how our LMS could benefit your organisation.
What makes us different?
- Fully managed end to end apprenticeship programmes
- Customised dashboards for key stakeholders
- Comprehensive L&D platform for all your training needs
- Business wide view and drill down reporting facility to provide total visibility
We make it easy for you to track your Learner’s journey so you can concentrate on providing the right training and support, adding value to your organisation and building capability.
Contact us to find out more on 0113 493 1943 or email info@interventionsconsulting.com